"Broda" means beard.
It is the nickname of the man who was never without one. We’re serious… neither his wife nor kids had ever seen him with a cleanly shaven face. Only some of his best friends, who knew him during his university days, have seen him barren chinned. Along with his beard, he was also never without his homemade liqueur - a recipe taught to him by his father. However, as time goes on, things tend to be adjusted and improved. Therefore, after some tinkering and drinking, Broda concluded that there should be one small change to his father’s recipe - and so he made it stronger.
Broda attended university at the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland. Even in these early years, he brought his cytrynówka everywhere he went. As recalled by his best friend, he would iconically carry two bottles around in a small yellow Lufthansa bag. He studied sports and was a decent athlete. His favorite, and most dominant sport, was table tennis (not to be confused with “ping pong”).
University is where he met a lot of his lifelong friends: many of whom became famous olympians, coaches, dancers, and singers. Some of these friends included table tennis World Champion Andrzej Grubba, famous Polish folk and dance ensemble Mazowsze, and, considered the Polish equivalent of the Beatles, the Czerwone Gitary (The Red Guitars). When on tour in Chicago, these friends would often stop by Broda’s house to eat, drink, sing, and dance until the sun came up. For Broda, friends and family came first – dancing came second.

Despite his grumpy demeanor, he was known for having the biggest heart – loved for his jokes, hospitality, appetizer skills, and of course, his vodka. A religious and holy man, he would frequent Church and was most fond of tradition. His favorite way to practice faith was to live it. Just as Jesus made sure the wine didn’t run out, so Broda did with his vodka. However, instead of making it miraculously reappear, he would top off the bottle with more, plain vodka. The flavor wouldn’t be quite as perfect; but, as the night grew longer and the guests less particular, he practiced this art of dilution.
A true patriot, he often helped sponsor and organize events for local Polish charities and fundraisers. He watched every Polish soccer match, and attended every Polish parade in Chicago.
A family man, he would take his kids to church every Sunday and regularly hosted family grill outs. Afterwards, him and his friends would often go play volleyball, where things got a bit more competitive than you’d like. When playing with Broda, his word was the law: if he said the ball was out, then it was.

Enter Peter — the oldest of the 3 brothers, and nephew of Broda. He would often join his uncle and his friends to play volleyball, and fit right in with their merciless yet laid back banter. Both a father figure and “funcle” (fun uncle), Broda helped raise Peter like he was his own. He inspired his culinary skills, handyman values, and Polish pride. He taught Peter the ways of our family vodka tinctures as soon as he turned 21! And then it was officially Pete’s turn – he zested, squeezed, mixed, and aged batch after batch for 12 years before it was time to teach his younger two brothers. He had practically handed them the most perfect tasting spirit on a silver platter. All they had to do was figure out how to get it into a bottle.
Ginger was not traditionally included in the recipe. However, one year, a batch was made for Peter's birthday. He believed he tasted ginger, despite none being added. After some more tinkering and drinking, the 3 brothers officially decided to start infusing with ginger. And so, the innovation continued, and the rest is history.
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